- Microsoft Outlook Desktop Client
- PDF24 version 11.12.1
When PDF24 is the default app for pdf files and when forwarding an email with a pdf attachment that requires a signature, the save defaults to the user's documents folder. Please consider changing this so PDF24 saves the file to the location where the file originated, in this case, C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\B9PL7YWT. The reason this is important to us is because it makes document signing faster and easier. Our doctors sign electronic documents and the process must be quick and easy.
Following is the workflow when Adobe is the default app.
- Email with attachment is received.
- User clicks "Forward".
- Enters destination email address.
- Double clicks pdf file.
- Tools > Fill & Sign
- Sign > Saves > Closes File
- Presses send > Done
Hello and thank you for PDF24...
We are hoping to use PDF24 but now we have the same problem.
We hope that soon it will be possible to quickly sign, save and overwrite a PDF file in its original location.