Sort PDF pages online app released

We have extended our online PDF tools again. There a new tool in the toolbox that you can use now.

The new PDF tool makes it possible to sort PDF pages online. The tool is very easy to use, just like all the other tools in the toolbox. Sorting pages in PDF files is now as easy as possible and yes, it's also free. The page sorting tool was designed exactly for one purpose, just to sort pages in PDFs.

Sorting PDF file pages works like this:

  1. Go to
  2. Drop your PDF files into the box or click the box to select your PDF files.
  3. The pages of your files are shown below the box. Drag and drop the pages or select a sorting method to change the page order.
  4. Finally, click the ‘Create PDF’ button to sort the pages and to download the final PDF

That’s easy, isn’t it? No installation, no hassle, no worries, just the app which runs in your browser on your computer.

We hope that you will like this new cool app too and if so, please share it with your friends or write something about it in your blog or forum.