I have hundreds of pdf's in a directory with hundreds of subdirectories. I would like to run an OCR on all the pdf's. For this I would like to
- PDF24 should browse recursively through the given directory and all subdirectories
- take all pdf's from this directory tree
- run an OCR
- and save the OCR'ed pdf's in a new directory but keeping the subdirectory tree
Can someone help me please, how I'm going to do this?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Stefan Ziegler Answered question 2021-09-22
PDF24 itself does not offer such a feature, but this can be done with a small script which collects the files and which calls the pdf24.Ocr.exe and which then saves the result into the folder you want. We don't have such a script ourselves. Maybe there is someone who reads this who can cobble together something like this quickly.
Stefan Ziegler Answered question 2021-09-22