Lately when I attempt to convert a pdf to a word doc, the work doc created has an anchor symbol in the upper left corner and I am unable to edit the verbiage. Its as if I copied a image into a word doc. Help is appreciated.
Stefan Ziegler Answered question 2024-05-16
I think you have to go into edit mode in word and then this should go away..
swhill Posted new comment 2024-05-16
Thank you. Yes, I considered that but edit mode did not solve the issue. I can move the verbiage around in a block just as if I had imported an image into a word doc. I tried to convert in Blocks, Flow and Fixed modes. This result does not occur on every PDF to Word conversion I perform. I suspect the PDFs that are not converting have a setting designed to prevent conversion. I tried the Unlock function in PDF24 before attempting to convert the file, but that also did not work.