How can I edit existing text or add text to my pdf form?
I have a form in pdf and I want to be able to edit and add existing text. How can I do this?
htaylo13 Answered question 2024-10-24
This CAN be done using the PDF Annotator tool.
- Win10 64 bit machine with PDF24 ver 11.18.0 installed.
- Click on PDF24
- Scroll to find <Annotate PDF> -- Can be hard to locate. I've made it a "favourite" so it shows at the top.
- Left Click to open
- Drag and Drop file from your machine or click <Choose file> and wait for the file to open
- In menu bar, click <Add Text>
- A text box will open up somewhere on the page which you can adjust as desired
- Hit <return> or Click the <Add Text> icon again to close
- You can then <Save> the document with the edits.
Stefan Ziegler Edited answer 2024-10-25
You need a full PDF Editor. Our editor works page based such as removing pages or adding pages. With our online PDF editor you can draw on top of the pages e.g. to fill out forms and you can also sign a pdf document with the other online tool.
Stefan Ziegler Changed status to publish 2019-08-29