I am trying to convert the scanned PDF to readable PDF through PDF24 OCR tool.
Manually through desktop application, it's working.
I want to do it through cmd prompt.
till somewhere I succeeded(able to upload file in tool) but not able to get the output.
I am using this cmd-
pdf24-Ocr.exe -outputFile C:\Users\blueprism\Desktop\Output\output.pdf [-language deu] [-dpi 300] [-applyProfile Keine] [-skipFilesWithText] [-skipPagesWithText] "C:\Users\blueprism\Desktop\Test.pdf"
Please help me with my query.
alexs Answered question 2022-05-11
I have same problem with batch, that looks OK
@For /R "C:UsersdolezDesktopSO 03" %%G In (*.pdf) Do @For %%H In ("%%~dpG.") Do @"%ProgramFiles%PDF24pdf24-Ocr.exe" -outputFile "%%~nxH-%%~nG_ocred%%~xG" -language ces -dpi 300 -deskew -autoRotatePages "%%G"