Many people asks us, how we can make the cool PDF24 Creator for free. Here is the answer:
The PDF24 Creator is freeware. It costs nothing. It can also be used in a commercial context. The software does NOT contain any spyware, adware, toolbars and we do not use co-installations. The installer is clean. That's nowadays very rare in the freeware section.
To refinance the project we use ads on our pages and we try to grow our fax to mail service which contains some paid plans. That's currently enough for us to keep the ball rolling. We do that since 2006.
We aren't greedy and we keep our costs low. We do not pay for marketing and we invest the money we have to make our software better.
We also hope, that we can rely on you. We hope that our software is so cool, that you will share it with your friends. If we get more visitors on our pages and if we get more downloads of our software, then we can do a lot more to make our tools better.
You can help too. If you like our software, then share it with your friends, like and share our posts, blog something about us or make a video if you can. All that would help to let our free software grow.
We hope we can rely on you. Have a nice weekend and don't forget to share our software.