Added new compression option to the PDF24 online PDF file compression tool

Added compression mode parameter to our Compress PDF Online Tool at

We are now able to compress PDF files a little bit better than before. We have added a new option to our backend so that even PDF files without images can be compressed a bit further. This often reduces the PDF file size by some KB.

You will recognize the new feature in our frontend. There is now a new mode parameter. The normal mode tries to compress PDF files as best as possible and the lossless mode runs only steps which does not reduce the quality of your files.

2 thoughts on “Added new compression option to the PDF24 online PDF file compression tool”

  1. I have installed the local version of PDF24 Creator after using the online version for a year or so. I really like that the local version can convert files in more of a batch mode than the online version. I have realized that the online version file conversion from TIF to PDF creates a smaller file than the local version. Is there a setting in the local version that will create the compressed file?

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