Coerced to upgrade PDF24 PDF

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    I installed PDF24 as a PDF printer. I feel like I am being coerced to upgrade. It says that in order to continue, I must approve the major upgrade. I never had problems with the software, and I really don't like upgrading because I always end up installing stuff I don't need, and that is hard to remove, even though I try to pay as much attention as I can.


    I can see your point, but we as software publisher would like to fix all bugs which exists in older releases. A lot of bugs were fixed with the last releases and sometime there are bugs which could cause data losses or other problems with regards to security. If you currently don't had problems with the software is no argument for the case that if you do something different than before that you than get data losses or other risky things caused by our software. As a company we are somewhere obligated to fix bugs and we are somewhere obligated to do our best to fix bugs and disabling some parts is our way to do that.

    You could disable update checking and then you will never see some updates and nothing will be disabled. In that case we don't have a change to find new versions and we will never prompt for installing an update.


    I could always check for updates if I run into a problem. There's no need to force me to do it right now. The level of coercion seems disproportionate to the problem.

    But thanks for letting me know about unchecking updates.

    Interesting. There's no way to give kudos to postings here, nor any apparent way to mark a post as an answer.

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