Portuguese translation [Tradução para Portugues]

Home Forums PDF24 Creator Translators Portuguese translation [Tradução para Portugues]

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    I would like to contribute to the translation program for Portuguese.
    Already have it translated, I ask the administrators if there is interest please contact us.

    [Gostaria de contribuir com a tradução do programa para Portugues.
    Ja a tenho traduzida, peço aos administradores que se houver interesse entre em contato.]


    Hi, yes we need a translation to Portuguese. Currently we have no one. Please send us your translation to forum@pdf24.org. Then we will integreate it into the next version of the PDF24 Creator. The next version will be realeased whithin two weeks.



    I have been translating PDF24 into Portuguese(Portugal) since version 9 if I am not mistaken. I have been updating and improving the translation since it was incomplete and with some translations in Brazilian Portuguese. The translation is currently 100% translated and according to the new spelling agreement Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement of 1990 - Wikipedia. Whenever a new version of PDF24 is released, I update it and send the respective translation to Stefan Ziegler by email.


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