Sorry but this is not easy to understand:
pdf24-DocTool.exe -convertTo [-outputDir dir] [-outputFile file] file1 [file2] ...
Converts the input files. Opens the Save As dialog where the user can select a file type
and where the user can specify specific output file options.
Tells the DoctTool to convert the input files
[-outputDir dir]
[-outputFile file]
file1 [file2]
Please Don\'t you have an example?
I\'ve been trying
pdf24-DocTool.exe -convertTo -profile default/best -outputDir C:\\TRAB\\Destination_Pdf24TXT -outputFile \"myfile_destination.txt\" -expandDirs C:\\TRAB\Original_Pdf24\\my_Original.pdf ?file1? [?file2?] -silent
It allways open a form to indicate "TXT" type file but i beleave it should be a parameter -"TXT"
and it is not respecting the destination -outPutDir