I've started using PDF24 Creator and am wondering if it is possible to enable Previews in Outlook PDF attachments or do I have to download Adobe Reader? At the moment Outlook is telling me "This file cannot be previewed because there is no previewer installed for it", though I can see the icon is for PDF24. I've checked the handler in Outlook and there does not appear to be one for PDF's in the Trust Center/Attachment Handling/Attachment and Document Previewers.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Actually it should be available. The handler file for x86 on a 64 bit system is PdfPreviewHandler.x86.dll which should be available in the pdf24 install directory. On an x86 windows system, then handler file is named PdfPreviewHandler.dll.
Hi .. is the Outlook 32bit Previewer still on your TODO list ?
Which version of PDF24 Creator do you have installed? Latest PDF24 Creator brings an embeddable previewer in in my outlook it works fine. A problem could be that this currently only works if outlook x64 is installed. If you use the x86 version, than the previewer can not be embedded because we currently have no matching x82 dll file for the embedding part. x86 dll for our x64 Creator build is on our TODO.
A solution would be an additional dll file for 32-bit apps that loads the preview. Currently we do not have one, but we have such a point on our TODO list so that we will provide one with one of the next versions.
Yes, having the same issue here, but I'm using LibreOffice. I'm trying to divest myself from as many Microsoft and Adobe pieces of software as I can.
Stefan, thanks, and please move this up the ladder on the TODO list!
Using Windows 7 SP1 64 bit. (Yes, there are a lot of us out here still!) 🙂
Thanks Stefan, I'm using the latest PDF24 11.7, but have checked and it appears that I'm running 32bit Office 19 applications, so this is possibly why I can't get the preview working. Not sure if there is any way around this.